International Design Week 2024 “DESIGN SCIENCE F®ICTIONS”, Graz / Austria
May 2nd—8th, 2024

On an invitation to the Institute of Design and Communication (idk) FH JOANNEUM a group of students from FH Dortmund (Jan-Niklas Basse, Johanna Gerdiken, Julia Hillebrand, Nihal Türyilmaz, Salma Parra, Tim von Bischopinck) and Prof. Roger Walk & Prof. Lars Harmsen joined the workshop sessions. The program was absolutely amazing, charged with exhibition openings (Festival “Design Month Graz 2024” at Festival Center Hornig Areal / VERNISSAGE “Boris Bućan between Art and Design”), studio visits, lectures and design talks, city tours, receptions (Murinsel Graz on the island in the river Mur), Countryside BUS TOUR (visit of the exhibition Wood Land at “Hollenegg Castle for Design” and visit of Austria’s first Queer Hotel “Absteige zur bärtigen Therese”). Thanks to all for the fantastic organisation, especially Andrea Schlacher of FH Joanneum.

refer to the interplay between envisioning speculative futures through design (science) fiction. It acknowledges the challenges and frictions that emerge during the creativeprocess while also addressing the prevailing increase in science skepticism, fueled by diminishing trust in media and communication. Moreover, it points out the frictions that might occur when society-centered design approaches clash with economic interests and demands of creative industries to compete in a post-capitalist meltdown.
Design Science F®ictions blend elements of design thinking, speculative design, and science fiction to envision and propose innovative future scenarios, products, or systems. It harnesses the creativity and
problem-solving capabilities of design to imagine how advancements in technology, society, and culture might shape the future. Design science fiction often incorporates narratives, visualizations, and prototypes to convey these speculative visions, allowing us to explore the potential utopian or dystopian impacts on both individuals and society as a whole.
As a result, Design Science F®ictions represent a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary methodology that embraces cross-media ideation and solutions. During the International Design Week, we are committed to pushing boundaries and resetting the traditional borders of disciplines and education levels. Second-semesterstudents of the bachelor’s and the master’s programs of all design majors plus students from international partner universities will be mixed together in transdisciplinary cross-media workshops.
Workshops shall be suitable to cater to students from diverse backgrounds and experience levels, emphasizing applied methodologies and a hands-on approach. Cross-media will be the core setting of this week’s workshops – i.e. animation x sound, illustration x immersion, interactive x graphic, spatial x game, editorial x video, …

Roger Walk and Lars Harmsen offered a poster workshop, joined by the amazing buch of students Josephine Brunner, Anne Eichelbrönner, Lara Falkenberg, Elisabetha Fetsch, Paula Knobelspies, Lisa-Marie König, Tea Mauko, Carla Ribera Niñerola, Annabel Schipper, Alexandra Suváková and Michelle Wetz. The workshop started with digital posters and ended with riso prints.

Studierende der FH Dortmund
Moritz Stolz
Marvin Dziedzic




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