Stupid Poster / Biomorph Forms 2019 Festival in Bulgaria

Anbei ein paar Eindrücke von der  EXKURSION NACH BULGARIEN welche am 20.05.2019 — 27.05.2019 stattgefunden hat.

Leitung: Prof. Oliver Langbein, Prof. Lars Harmsen

Biomorph Forms 2019 Festival in Bulgaria
Compared to the concrete beaches we leave as a heritage to our children, Coral generates an aesthetic shock. Using a design approach to the Coral’s spatial environment, as well as various modern techniques for working with natural materials, the young artists and designers of the New Bulgarian University and the University of applied sciences and arts Dortmund will engage with the beauty and romance of one of the last unspoiled beaches in Bulgaria. In that way the students support the cause “Let’s Preserve Coral” to preserve it in its original state and not as a concrete landscape.

The students naturally turns to the means of expression of the land art—a form of creativity born in a struggle to protect precisely those endangered places.


Studierende der FH Dortmund
Moritz Stolz
Marvin Dziedzic




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