Voltaire #7

The history of humanity began with migration.

Our ancestors left Africa as economic refugees. In our western, Christian-influenced world, dramatic refugee stories have been preached from the pulpit for centuries. Even in recent times, flight and migration movements have shaped our cultures. The French cathedral in berlin, the house numbers in Cologne or the most popular type of snack in Germany – Döner, have all been created by mi­grants. In the decade after the 2nd world war, 12 million people were intergrated into Germany. Despite all these difficult, but ul­ti­mately positive developments in the history of mankind, parts of all societies in Europe refuse migrants entry. The ar­guments for this have been the same for thousands of years and are essentially characterised by fear. The fear of change and the loss of their own social status, how­ever insignificant that may be. For 150 years, the protection of the nation, the nation state and the economy has been particularly emphasized. As late as the 1960s everyone must be aware that the wealth in the industrial nations can only be generated with the help of migrant workers. The Idea of a national culture has not been tenable since the be­ginning of civilizations. We see in all cultures the permanent exchange of ideas, be it in architecture, prose, or pop culture. The lesson that should have been le­arned by all nations since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 is surely: We are all human beings and have the same rights. Humanity requires us to guarantee the right of life, to freedom and consequently the security of the person, this to every human being – regardless of his or her place of residence and legal status.

Lisa Panitz, Darius Tödtmann, Florian Gubernator, Scherwin Hosseini, Azziza El Yabadri, Leonie Lange, Orkun Cetinkaya, Joshua Kranefeld, Lukas Schneider, Fabienne Hartlage, Nicole Kwaczynska

Lea Franke, Ana Maria Sales Prado, Anna Rumeld, Maximilian Mann, Aleksandra Bardas, Katharina Kemme, Paula de Abrantes, Luise Jacobi, Fabian Ritter, Aliona Kardash, Vesela Stanoeva, Marcel Haupt

The authors and artists of this edition have kindly made their texts and images available free of charge.
we thank: Kevin Mcelvaney, Arwed Messmer, Helena Schätzle, Henk Wildschut, Felix Kleymann, Nikos Pilos, Alex John Beck, Salvatore Vitale, Josef Schultz, Ad van Denderen, Gerda Neumann, Maximilian Mann, Aliona Kardash, Nikita Teryoshin, Adriano Vannini, Alexa Vachon, Aleksandra Bardas, Julia Sellmann, Peter Bitzer, laif – agentur für photos und reportagen

Gerda Neumann

Lisa Panitz, Scherwin hosseini, Leonie Lange, Florian Gubernator, Darius Tödtmann, Azziza El Yabadri

Lisa Panitz, Scherwin Hosseini

Leonie Lange

Azziza el Yabadri

William Aaron Horstmann-Craig

Supervising Lectures
Prof. Dirk Gebhardt, Prof. Lars Harmsen

Studierende der FH Dortmund
Moritz Stolz
Marvin Dziedzic




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