Adventures in extreme publishing – Responding in print
Florian Gubernator

For my thesis project I set myself the goal of creating a collection of zines on emerging topics in a real-time publishing fashion. With this explorative project I want to investigate the process of rapid design, producing and publishing and how the dissemination of enjoyable printed matter can shift discourse. For the theoretical part under the title „ADVENTURES IN EXTREME PUBLISHING- RESPONDING IN PRINT“ I want to explore five main concepts:
→ Independent Publishing and Alternative Media
→ The designer as producer/author
→ Urgent publishing
→ Post-Digital Publishing
→ Design as a Process / Algorithm

Prof. Lars Harmsen

Ronja Baumann
Salma Parra
FH Dortmund, HS Mannheim, HS Coburg, OsloMet




real love




imprint & data security