Collection Anarchie

Alle 36 Collection-Anarchie-Hefte sind nun auf einer eigens dafür eingerichteten Website sichtbar und erhältlich (streng limitierte Auflage!).

Collect generally includes the systematic search, collection and retention of things or information. Anarchy is usually associated with “social disorder, tyranny and lawlessness.”
Which expression and content would present a publication between those two poles? This was subject of a lecture and workshop given by Prof. Lars Harmsen (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund) during the summer semester 2013. The workshop was held in Berlin (13.5. to 18.5.2013). All publications were printed on a Risograph at ¶ PILCROW Print & Publishing in Berlin.
The results are so beautiful, that those who designed the magazines decided to create this website. This showcase and shop is a private initiative. The publications are designed by XXX, owners of copyright.

Webdesign: Willi Harder
Photography: Ricardo, Eduard and Kolja
Print: ¶ PILCROW Print & Publishing:
A special thank to Amelie Göppel who spent numerous hours in printing!

Julie-Cathrine Kindler
Ronja Baumann
Salma Parra




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