DIGITCHRESH Program EU at Banja Luka College

On invitation of the Banja Luka College in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prof. Lars Harmsen and Prof. Daniel Heßler joined the Intensive study program „IMPROVEMENT OF CREATIVE AND CULTURAL SECTORS IN THE WESTERN BALKANS”. The project was created to facilitate joint activities between eight countries through mutual understanding of common problems in higher education and creative industries, regardless of different political and cultural contexts. The countries participating in the project are Portugal, Greece, Germany, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania. As part of the project, a five-day Intensive study program on the topic „improvement of creative and cultural sectors in the Western Balkans “ was held.
Our new colleague Prof. Daniel Heßler gave a half-day class about Serious Games entitled „How to ideate gameplay mechanics with a purpose“. Harmsen gave a lecture about „Can Design Turn Ripples into Waves?“ and a two hour class entitled „¡DAMN HAPPY LIFE?“ questioning AI.

Banja Luka College

Banja Luka



Joleen Ziegler




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