fount magazine – #1 plant a mountain

fount magazine is an independently published magazine about mash-up culture.

We examine the convergences of a globalized society and its effect on creative fields. How can we as a society benefit from the principle of mash-up on a cultural and social level? The potential is showcased by our unique open call – artists from all over the world sent us their interpretation of our theme „plant a mountain“, a representation of the courage we need to muster when we start something new. The artworks we received were then given to another artist from another creative discipline, who interpreted it in his/her own style.

In our article we show successful thinking outside the box: how LEDs become art, how industrial waste is turned into new materials or what we could learn from listening to plants. We celebrate mash-up culture by holding interviews, finding amazing projects, and analyzing society. Enjoy our mash-up of creative disciplines and minds with artists like: Stefan Sagmeister, PutPut, Hort, Erwin Olaf, Frank Höhne, Tony Futura, Stefan Kiefer, Frank Berzbach, Götz Gramlich, I like birds, …

FOUNT ist als Bachelor Thesis von Ina Bunge, Daniel Ludwig und Carsten Nierobisch entstanden. Der Fotograf Daniel Rupp war begleitend an Bord. Betreut wurde die Arbeit von Prof. Lars Harmsen

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Julie-Cathrine Kindler
Ronja Baumann
Salma Parra




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