‚Was bleibt vom Opelaner ohne Opel-Werk?‘
„The abiding impression is of a global corporation beating a surreptitious retreat.
GM’s axeing of its Opel plants in Bochum was a long and drawn-out saga, dragging on for several years before they were shut down completely in 2014, by which time demolition had already begun. This book sets out to explore the frame of mind of those who, after decades of loyal service, were left feeling disillusioned with their employer. A particularly key section is the interviews with former employees. Headed „Gartengespräche“ („Garden Conversations“) and accompanied by photographic portraits (Text: @einbuch.haus)
Design: Aleksandar Živković
Aleksandar Živković @aleks_zivkovic
Melanie Sapina @melaniesapina
Melanie Graas @melanie_graas
Yuriy Ogarkov @yuriyogarkov
Print and bookbinding:
Druckpartner Druck- und Medienhaus GmbH, Essen
182 × 242 mm, 465 pp
Digitalprint, Thread-stitched
Repro Image credit: Pixelgarten